Listed below are letters and correspondence received by Rosa Crean.

Dear Rosa,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to be a member of the Great Britain squad for the World Bowls Championships; for the Disabled, to be held in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. 20-30 July. 1995.
As you will appreciate this invitation is subject to certain provisos, namely:
1) That sufficient Countries take part in your event.
2) That you maintain your standard of play and stay in good health.
3) That sufficient funding is available.

Dress code at elite squad sessions will be white shirt/blouse with collar (suitable to wear with a tie) and grey trousers/skirt NOT track suit, jeans or jogging pants.

Your bowls should be a complete set with matching serial numbers and hold current bullet stamp issued by either the International-Bowling Board or the World Bowls Board, anything other than this is not acceptable.

All squad members are asked to raise sponsorship towards the funding of the G.B. Team for this event, the overall cost per person will be approximately£550.

Two training weekends have already been arranged for 1995 at Aylesbury Vale, with accommodation at the Olympic Village, Stoke Mandeville and I enclose the appropriate forms for you to use. The first weekend is 27/28 May, when you will meet your Team Manager,. Peter Court. All squad members are expected to attend all training sessions.

For those of you who have not already had them, I enclose a Sports Aid Found. grant application form. Please complete this and return it to your Coach as soon as possible.

All that now remains is for me to wish you every success in 1995, with a view to the Paralympic Games in Atlanta, 1996.

Yours faithfully

Dr. David Peacock,
Chairman, B.P.A. Lawn Bowls


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Dear Rosa,

Congratulations on winning a medal at the recent IPC World Bowls Championships and being selected to represent Great Britain in Atlanta with the aim of gaining a further medal at the Paralympics.

I anticipate there will be training weekends, outdoors, prior to the team's departure next August, but you will be informed when and where after the BPA Bowls Committee have met.

My apologies for the delay in sending you this letter but not all confirmed information was to hand until recently.

Best Wishes and Good Bowling,

GB Team Manager

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Dear Rosa,

The British Paralympic Association wishes to congratulate you on your selection for the Great Britain Paralympic Team in the sport of Bowls that will compete in the Xth Summer Paralympic Games in Atlanta, August 1996.

There are now less than 200 days before departure for the USA and there will be an intensive level of commitment and motivation demanded of every Team Member. Your provisional acceptance at this stage will be formalised in a Contract between the BP A and yourself in due course.

In Barcelona Great Britain finished third overall in the medal table. The British Paralympic Association believes that the British Team for the 1996Paralympic Games has the potential to be No. 1. You are now part of that ambition.

Once again, congratulations and we look forward to an highly successful and enjoyable Atlanta 1996. Please complete the proforma enclosed and return to the BP A office.

Yours sincerely

Tony Sainsbury
Chef de Mission

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Dear Rosa,

Congratulations on your selection to represent GB at the Paralympic Games.

BBS wants to run an article on all members of the team in the forthcoming issue of Target and I would be grateful if you could complete the enclosed profile form and get it back to me by 10 July. The deadline for the next issue is 12 July and the newsletter will be distributed in early August.

Copies of these profile forms were sent to your sub-committee chairmen at the end of May but as yet I have not received a completed form for you. .

It makes an article so much more interesting if details of the competing team members can be included, rather than just a boring list of who is taking part.

An envelope is enclosed for return of the form, but it will need a stamp.

Yours sincerely

Angela Weller
'Target' Assistant"

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Dear Ms Crean,

With the Paralympic Games fast approaching, I am writing to wish you every success in Atlanta on behalf of all staff in Royal Mail South Wales and South West Division.

As official sponsors of both the Olympic and Paralympic British Teams, Royal Mail employees raised £272,000 for the BPA in 1992, and have raised over £230,000 this year with more to come.

We hope this will go some way to help you go for gold. I know you have trained long and hard for this chance to represent your country in this elite competition, and I sincerely hope that your patience commitment and determination will be rewarded.

I understand from our colleagues in the South East division that they will be "sending you off with style" at Gatwick Airport, so have a safe journey and enjoy the games. Our thoughts and good wishes will travel with you.

Good luck!

Yours sincerely

Vanessa Leeson
Director and General Manager

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The contence of this artical was sent as a letter, but is actually a newsletter, which can be found in the media section of news articles.

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A Letter featuring the offical Atlanta Paralympic Games Medal Table

MEN LB3/4/6 SHAW, Samuel
MEN LB7/8 LYNE, Alan
WOMEN LB3/415 CHEER, Irene
MEN LB3/4/5 HEDDLE, David
MEN lB7/8 WRIGHT, George


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Dear Rosa,

Congratulations on your achievement in Atlanta.

I am writing to invite you to take part in the media launch of the Out of Sight - Out of Work? Campaign, the national campaign to secure jobs for visually handicapped people. I enclose a leaflet explaining more about the campaign.

You may remember that Sir Anthony Walker, Chairman of the Campaign Steering Group and Vivien Hepworth, Campaign Organiser, met with the members of the British Paralympic team during preparations for Atlanta, to introduce the campaign to you. Our preparations have progressed well since then and I would also like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update.

The launch has been organised for Thursday 12 September 1996 at 8.30 am and will take the form of a Business Breakfast followed by a press conference and photo-call. The event is being hosted by IBM at their building on the South Bank in Central London, and will be attended by employers, celebrities, politicians and representatives of organisations working for the visually impaired. Chris Holmes has agreed to say a few words at the Breakfast.

One or two journalists will attend the Breakfast with others joining us at 10.30 am for the press conference. We would like to organise a photo-call for you and your colleagues following the press conference.

With such an early start you may need to travel to London the day before. We will be happy to refund your travel expenses to the launch and provide over night accommodation if required.

Please let me know as soon as possible whether you are able to come on the 12th or if you would like any further information about the campaign or the launch.

Yours sincerely

Jane Cooper
Campaign Organiser

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Dear Rosa,

On behalf of the Officer, Committee and members of the Welsh Association I would like to congratulate you on your success in winning a Gold Medal at the Paralympics Games in Atlanta.

As a reprehensive from Wales in the Great Britain Team you have done yourself, your club and your country proud and we look forward to New Zealand.

Best Wishes


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Dear Rosa,

Welcome home from Atlanta and the 1996 Paralympic Games and congratulations on representing Britain among the best athletes in the world. Royal Mail is extremely proud to have been the main sponsor of the British Paralympic team and the sole sponsor until a few months ago. Since before the Games in Barcelona, Royal Mail employees across the country have been cheering you on. I was also delighted to be able to attend the Paralympic Games myself, which was a marvellous experience.

I am writing to tell you how much we have enjoyed being involved with world class athletes like you and tell you about a few of the exciting events and activities that have been going on behind the scenes to support your efforts as an elite British athlete.

Over the last three years, an internal communications programme has been underway to inform Royal Mail staff about the Paralympics, to follow individual athletes and to encourage involvement. A great many Royal Mail employees have used their creativity and leisure time to raise funds for the BP A. It might have been your postman or post woman and their family who organised and participated in numerous events to support you and other Paralympians.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Royal Mail employees have raised £262,944 to date for the BPA (on top of the £272,000 raised for Barcelona), all of which has gone directly into team expenditure. (This is, of course, in addition to a large amount of additional resource and expertise we provide to the BP A as support in kind and the rights fees that Royal Mail pays to become an Official Team Sponsor as part of our sponsorship contract.)

A special thank you to the athletes who have supported our local events, arranged and attended by postmen and women in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Every pound raised at cake sales, sponsored cycle rides and office raffles has made a difference to our fund-raising total.

You probably know that Official Licensed Merchandise was marketed and distributed by Royal Mail as a way for individuals who support the British Teams to share in the spirit of the Olympics and Paralympics and support athletes because all profits go to the BOA and BP A. Many of our staff volunteered to distribute the leaflets to 2.5 million households, and others promoted the merchandise at events on their weekends and holidays to show their support for your efforts.

Olympic and Paralympic merchandise had never before been available by mail order to individuals in Britain, but Royal Mail has been happy to take this on board with no financial gain. I enclose an extra couple of leaflets just in case you have family members or friends who would like to make an order before the initiative closes at the end of the month.

We have also been working closely with the British Paralympic Association during this time to enhance the awareness of Paralympic athletes like yourself, the Games, the BP A logo and all it represents. There have been millions of pounds worth of media interest in the team, and our Royal Mail's national and local Communications teams have worked tirelessly to raise and maintain awareness to add our considerable resource and expertise to that of the BP A and Match tight Media.

Externally, the BP A logo has been promoted on our stamp books and advertising. The special set of Olympic stamps were designed specially to represent both Olympic and Paralympic athletes, and I have pleasure in enclosing a sheet of the special issue stamps for you to use as a reminder of Royal Mail's pride in being the BP A's main sponsor.

Whether you are already preparing for the next four years, and the exciting prospect of competing in Nagano or Sydney, or if, perhaps, you change from an active competitor to enthusiastic supporter of the Paralympic team, may I again congratulate and wish you all the best in the future on behalf of everyone in Royal Mail.


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Dear Rosa

BBC Television Sport's annual look back at the spotting year - 'Sports Review of the Year1996' will take place on Sunday 15th December at The Queen Elizabeth 11 Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SWl. Over the years, the programme has become famous in recalling the highs and lows of that particular twelve months, and this year there have been plenty of special sporting moments. As always the show's climax will be the annual presentation of the BBC TV Sports Personality of the Year.

I do hope that you will be able to join us to the programme and the reception afterwards. You would need to be at the Conference Centre at 6.45pm.It would be a great help to us if you could kindly confirm that you will be able to be with us on December 15th. Please advise us if transport is required or if hotel accommodation needs to be arranged because return that night is not possible. Reasonable expenses incurred by yourself will be fully refunded. A stamp addressed envelope is enclosed fo)r your early reply.

It should be a terrific evening and on behalf of the BBC. I would be delighted if you would join us.

Sports Review of the Year, 1996

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Dear Rosa

Buffet Lunch, Thursday, 21 November 1996 11.30 am - 1.30 pm
Tan Suite, Welsh Institute of Sport, Cardiff.

With reference to the invitation to attend the above, I would be grateful if you could contact this office on the above number to inform us whether or not you will be attending.

With hest wishes

Yours sincerely

Annie Kerr
Development Officer
Federation of Sports Associations for the Disabled (Wales)

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Dear Mrs Crean

I write to congratulate you on winning your Gold Medal in the Paralympics and for bringing it to our attention.

As a customer of the Royal Bank, I would like to invite you into the branch to present you with a bouquet of flowers and for the staff to congratulate you personally.

Please could you contact me so that we can arrange a convenient time and discuss it further.

Yours sincerely,

Debbie Pyman
Customers Services Manager

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Dear Ms Crean

Many congratulations on your fine performance in winning Gold in the Bowls competition at the Paralympic Games in Atlanta.

With very best wishes for continued success in the future.

Yours sincerely

Iain Sproat
Minister of Sport

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Dear Rosa

A quick note on behalf of everyone at Sport Aid Foundation, to congratulate you on your recent success in Atlanta.

It was heartening to see the whole team perform so well, and I hope you are all justifiably proud of yourselves. Your performance was a great achievement and just reward for all the hard work you've put into your training.

We are absolutely thrilled for you and hope you enjoy the celebrations with best wishes and congratulations once again.

Kate Hempsall
PR & Sports Liaison Officer

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Dear Ms Crean

I would like to congratulate you on your superb gold medal winning performance at the recent Paralympic Games in Atlanta.

Your achievement will be a marvellous inspiration to all young athletes throughout Wales.

Yours sincerely

Gwilym Jones MP

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Dear Rosa,

I am writing, I am afraid rather belatedly due to my heavy workload, to congratulate you on your success at the recent Paralympic Games in Atlanta.

I was privileged to have the opportunity to be present at the Games as a Patron of the British Paralympic Association. The achievement of the team as a whole was truly inspiring and a testament to all the athletes' dedication to their sport.

I hope you have had a chance to recover and celebrate your achievements back at home before turning your mind to future competition.

With Regards

Tom Pendry MP
Shadow Minister for Sport

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Dear Gold Medal Winner

Please find enclosed a case of Olympic Medium Dry White Wine. We are delighted to send you this wine with our compliments as a Congratulations for winning your Gold Medal in Atlanta. We very much hope that you enjoy the \\'ine and wish you every success for the future.

With kind regards

Lamberhurst Vineyard

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Dear Rosa

Following your recent splendid achievements at the Olympics, our Vice President Cllr Ben Foday, brought your needs to our attention, in particular the invitation you have received to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace on Monday February 17th.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to offer £100 towards your expenses of that trip. To receive the cheque please attend the Forum's next members meeting with Ben Foday, which is at 5.30pm for 6.00pm at The Baltimore Arms on Tuesday February 11th.Photographers will be there to take some pictures which will appear in Forum News and possible making Waves and the Echo

Yours sincerely

Martin Scherer

CC: Lisa Mitchell. South Wales Echo
Making Waves, Coptic House

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1998 IPC World Bowls Championships - Johannesburg, South Africa

Dear Rosa

Many congratulations as you have been selected to represent Great Britain in the above tournament.

An official document received today by this office confirms your place in the squad. Copies of the full programme and other details are enclosed for your attention. Please note the deadline for your deposit which must be forwarded directly to Mr B Cox as soon as possible.

As in previous communications which have been very scarce and of nofault of this Association or British Blind Sports, the total bill for each individual should be in the region of about £1500.00 for this trip.

We do appreciate this is a very late hour for players and coaches to start fund-raising and seeking sponsorship, but we do wish you every success.

Once again congratulations on your achievement and success of being selected to represent Great Britain. We wish you good luck and hope you return with a medal.

Yours Sincerely

K E Brenton
Secretary - WAVHB

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Dear Rosa,

Congratulations on being one of our representatives for Wales playing at the next IBBA World bowls Championships in Girvan, Scotland on 4th -~ 18th August 2001.

At the last WAVHB Committee meeting it was accepted that the team should meet with their team Manager, Mr Frank Brenton at regular intervals for discussions and information up-dates leading up to the Championships.

Our first meeting will be held on Thursday 14 December 2000 at 1.45pm at the Brynterion Club in Bridgend. It would be appreciated if you and your coach could make every effort to attend.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you.

Best Regards


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Dear Rosa

On behalf of the Association and myself thank you for all your achievements, help, support and effort in Glasgow at the UK Indoor Singles. Congratulations on retaining your Trophy and winning the Gold Medal again.

Please find enclosed a complete copy of the results.

I hope you enjoyed the experience and made many new friends.

Yours in Sport

Ron Whitehead
W. A. V. I. B. Secretary

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